All-New Profile and Relationships Management

Relationships make or break everything in the entertainment industry. Symbonic offers a modern and flexible take on managing client, partner, talent, and brand relationships that match the dynamic deals that happen in the industry.

By combining data management, contact management, and content management into a unified view, Symbonic lets you manage a grid of profiles of any kind so you can better sell and service your clients and partners in new ways.
Lightning-fast visual grid with multiple views

  • Sort, find, and filter fast
  • View in Grid, mini-grid, or list
  • 1 click Presentation from the grid

New Profile Manager

  • Bio/Synopsis
  • Statistics/Data
  • Representation team
  • Resume (for talent)
  • Files and Links of Any Kind
  • PR/News
  • Executive Reports

Connects assistants, staff, and collaborators
Feature- Profile Manager by Chris Lutz @ Symbonic

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Build a Better Creative Business Foundation

Symbonic is specifically designed for the business of ideas, creativity, and innovation. With Symbonic, you can grow and scale your creative business foundation regardless of your size or ambitions.
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