Shipping Center Makes Submissions Easier and Safer

Product Update

Symbonic makes sending submissions, talent bios, resumes, and work samples safe and secure. You can easily send to talent, clients, partners, agents, and decision-makers in Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Send project submissions pages, talent resumes, or open assignments out to agents, partners, studios, distributors, financiers, or creative collaborators. After you send them, Symbonic automatically tracks and keeps your sent log up to date.

  • Select, Preview, Ship, Track.
  • Choose from a set of ready-to-use templates
  • Preview your information for mobile, tablet, or desktop
  • Eliminate file and link scatter all over everyone's email boxes
  • Add additional safety and security to your intellectual property

Be professional, stand out, respect the time of the person or persons you're sending information to, and stop working like your back in the 1990s.
Feature - Shipping Center by Chris Lutz @ Symbonic

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