Nov 10

Delivery Update - November 10 2023

Our latest updates, improvements, and innovations to help your business achieve Harmony from Chaos™.

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Hello! It's delivery time. This week we're bringing you exciting new updates that will allow you to never lose track of an option agreement again.

We've also improved account branding and added new events to help track events and activity across development, dealmaking, production, and commerce.

Sounds too good to be true? Read on to discover how it's possible. 

Option Agreement Management

We understand that you have a lot to juggle and sometimes things fall through the cracks. One of the biggest losses is allowing an option to expire without any knowledge of the approaching deadline. Make this a mistake of the past by simplifying your Option Agreement Management with a new wholistic view.

Now you can have an overview of every option available and a countdown to expiration. Automated notifications periodically remind you and your team of pending expirations so you can stay on top of what's important and never miss an expiration again. 

Executive Option Agreements Expiration Report

  • Seamlessly track the expiration dat of option agreements steps
  • Customize the Exec Status for efficient data filtering and project decision making
  • Gain imperative insights to prioritize team objectives
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Empty space, drag to resize

Automated Notifications of Expiring Options 

  • Keep your team in the know with custom send groups and notification frequency
  • Set automated notifications of impending expirations for Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually 
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Updated Account Branding

Enhanced brand management for account admins elevates consistency 

  • Default branding images for uniformity across workspaces
  • Easily change and update brand images from account settings
  • Enjoy professional branding in account level reports with account branding images

Improved Activity Tracking

New events that populate Executive Reports and activity status

  • Provides an overview of what project is being worked on and by who
  • Helps prioritize resources like time and money to ensure optimal team performance
  • Ensures accountability and helps team stay focused
Unlock the full potential of Option Agreement Expiration Reports, account branding, and activity tracking to unify your workspace and team so you never miss a step or opportunity. We're in the game of building IP studios that bring cohesion across brands, projects, and audience experences all to help you make better decisions.

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