World IP Day | April 26, 2023

Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity

We are celebrating the “can do” attitude of women inventors, creators and entrepreneurs around the world and their ground-breaking work.

The Power of IP

Intellectual property (IP) impacts our lives every single day. It is crucial for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about the importance of protecting intellectual property, such as inventions, designs, artwork and music. IP has the ability to revolutionize lives and provide a world of possibilities. 

of the US GDP comes from intellectual property intensive industries

of inventors named in international patent applications were women in 2022

to reach parity for women inventors listed in patent applications worldwide at the current pace to close the gender gap
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Statstics via WIPO

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Embrace Ideas

Our aim is to encourage the next generation to embrace diversity in their ideas and creations. Everyone should have the opportunity to develop their skills and build upon existing knowledge without fear of infringing upon someone else’s rights or having their own efforts stolen away. 

IP Entertainment Storytellers

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Etan Marciano

The Mythology Coordinator for AGBO discusses reaching global audiences with powerful IP.
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Janine Nabers

The executive producer talks about engaging with IP and the need for more diverse storytellers.

Reflect | Learn | Improve | Grow

Through innovation, we can improve lives by creating new products and services that solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. By understanding our rights as creators and innovators, we can use this knowledge to protect ourselves and our work while ensuring that everyone is getting a fair share of recognition for their contributions. 
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Let's Celebrate

We are joining together to promote creativity and diversity in ideas, designs and inventions—all essential components of making our future brighter.

Let’s come together to recognize the power of intellectual property, celebrate its importance and use it to improve lives. Join the movement to show your support for innovation and improving lives through IP!
The global economy depends on intellectual property. It encourages innovation, promotes economic expansion, and aids in employment creation.

Via All World Day

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