Why Symbonic

A Better Way to Develop, Track, and Monetize Your IP

Integrate your teams as they move through ideation, development, production, marketing and distribution lifecycles.
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01  Organize Your Projects and Slate

All Your Projects, Relationships, and Opportunities in One View

Symbonic grids visually organize all of your projects and profiles. Enter vital information while also attaching files and reports to a profile.

Find and gather updates faster than ever with visual display. The platform also supports ideas of any kind, all you have to do is enter in the info.

02  Consolidate Your Materials

Wrangle Your Files and Links - Once and for All

Connect all of your materials with the materials library. Pitches from creators, budgets from producers, sizzle reels from directors, scripts from writers, or notes from studio execs, bring it all together.

03  Send and Track Submissions

Track what, who, and when for everything you send

Connect all of your materials with the materials library. Pitches from creators, budgets from producers, sizzle reels from directors, scripts from writers, or notes from studio execs, bring it all together.

04  Save Time. Reduce Costs.

Reduce your tools. Increase Your Opportunities.

Save time while reducing information chaos by streamlining your entertainment workflow with Symbonic. Shift seamlessly from development to production.

Everyone benefits by keeping them informed. Save time and money, so you can keep your projects, contracts, and deals moving forward.

05  Manage Your Pipelines

A Better workflow helps different teams and perspectives

Track projects as they move through the development, production, marketing and distribution lifecycles.

Symbonic provides views for executives that manage processes across incoming and outgoing submissions, deal negotiations and sales pipelines.

Connect Your External Relationships

Coordinate ideas or talent development by sharing a project space. Go beyond the traditional entertainment planning and packaging methods to a digital workflow to keep everyone up-to-date.


Bring key elements into your project to get creative and dealmaking on track.

Agents and Managers

Give your agents, managers, and lawyers the status & materials they need.

Marketing and Sales

Optimize sales opportunities and provide a platform for buyers to review project materials

Business Affairs and Legal

Improve coordination with your internal or external business affairs and legal.

Financiers & Distributors

Manage your IP portfolio from a centralized hub for buyers and financiers to evaluate and invest in your IP.

Take Control of Your Creative Business System

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