Women's History Month

Empowering women in entertainment and media through technology.

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A Note from our CEO

This International Women's Day and Women's History month, Symbonic is building a base for the next generation. For five years, I have guided Symbonic to a point where we are ready to engage and make changes in the entertainment and media industries. My personal experiences have bridged new perspectives and ideas to create a stronger, more creative work environment.

A strong women's presence at Symbonic creates a more equitable workplace where we can reach our full potential and bring success to everyone we work with. Allowing more women at the table builds a better future for all. 

Julie Magbojos

2023 Theme:

Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories

The National Women's History Alliance advocated for the month of March to be dedicated to women as a time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of women across all industries and history. The theme this year aims to shine the light on women who continually honor women by sharing stories of perseverance, strength, and resilience.

By the Numbers

It's no secret that in the tech sector and media universe, women, particularly women of color, are vastly underrepresented. Most notably, women are significantly lacking in leadership roles. Progress has been made for the gender wage gap, but change is slow. Suffice to say, women continue to be missing from the conversation. 

of behind-the-scenes roles are held by women

of directors and writers are women

C-suite women executives is a woman of color

of executive producers are women


Our aim this month is to uplift women in the entertainment and media space. We will explore how we are striving to #EmbraceEquity and explore solutions to empower more women.
  • Share stories
  • Highlight innovators
  • Breakdown stereotypes
  • Celebrate accomplishments

We are here to help you

We don't have all the answers, but we are determined to help you get closer to one. Our curated list of resources is an ongoing effort to shine the light on people and organizations making remarkable change in the world. 
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UN Women

UN Women is the UN organization delivering programs, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

National Women's History Alliance

The National Women’s History Alliance formerly, the National Women’s History Project, is a leader in promoting Women’s History and is committed to the goals of education, empowerment, equality, and inclusion.

Women's Media Center

In 2005, Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan and Gloria Steinem founded the Women’s Media Center (WMC), a progressive, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to raise the visibility, viability and decision-making power of women and girls in media and, thereby, ensuring that their stories get told and their voices are heard.

Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

Founded in 2004 by Two-Time Academy Award Winning Actor Geena Davis, the Institute is the only global research-based organization working collaboratively within the entertainment industry to create gender balance, foster inclusion and reduce negative stereotyping in family entertainment media.

Women Make Movies

WMM supports women producers and directors from the beginning, planting the seeds for a diverse and inclusive filmmaking landscape. As the world’s leading distributor of independent films by and about women, WMM amplifies historically ignored voices and challenge the mainstream media.

Women in Film

WIF advocates for and advances the careers of women working in the screen industries—to achieve parity and transform culture.

Alliance of Women Directors

Alliance of Women Directors was founded in 1997 by alumnae of the American Film Institute’s Directing Workshop for Women as a community of peers to share information and support one another’s career advancement.

The Representation Project

The mission of The Representation Project is to fight sexism through films, education, research, and activism to build a world where everyone can achieve their full potential.

Girls Make Beats

Girls Make Beats (GMB) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that empowers girls by expanding the female presence of music producers, DJs, and audio engineers.

Global Girl Media

Global Girl Media combats racism and sexism by putting girls behind the camera and at the center of the story.

She Does Podcast

She Does podcast features creative minds working in media. Each episode centers around an intimate conversation yet digs deeper into each woman's background, philosophy and process through artful audio documentaries soundtracked by music made by women.

The Latest Articles

A Word From Our CEO on International Women's Day 2023

On this International Women's Day, our CEO, Julie Magbojos, reflects on her story and how generations of women have shaped her into the businesswoman she is today. Through personal anecdotes, she notes her own triumphs, obstacles, and what excites her for the future as helps build a base for the next generation.

Q&A with Taylor Tieman, Business and Trademark Attorney

Taylor Tieman is a business and trademark attorney who is dedicated to uplifting underrepresented communities to achieve their goals. We are excited to have her on the blog giving her insight this Women's History month. 

Q&A with Angela Russo, Chief Creative Officer of AGBO

Angela Russo is the Chief Creative Officer at AGBO, an artist-first independent studio that develops and produces film, TV, and interactive properties spanning intellectual property in order to innovate the Hollywood landscape. 

Next Gen. Producers in a Shifting Entertainment Industry with Nicole Bryant, Creative Executive

Nicole Bryant is a Creative Executive at Hidden Pictures Media. We had the opportunity to sit down with her discuss the Hollywood landscape from the younger generation's perspective. 

Disrupting the Status Quo with Lara Wickes, Vice President of Creative Marketing at Disney

Lara Wickes is a VP of Creative Marketing at Disney, overseeing ABC, Hulu Originals, Freeform, and Onyx Collective. We sat down with her to talk about disruption in the entertainment and media space as well as finding balance in a crazy world. 
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"For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight this is a beacon of hope and possibility...Ladies, don’t ever let anyone tell you you are past your prime.”
— Michelle Yeoh
"You deserve your own time, and one of the most healing and empowering things you can do for yourself is to spend time in the company of other women who love and support you."
— Reece Witherspoon
"Most of the women I saw on TV didn't seem like people I actually knew. They felt like ideas of what women are."
— Shonda Rhimes
“I had pay parity with my male actor for the first time in 22 years. I wonder if it would have been a different conversation if a woman didn’t have that decision?”
— Priyanka Chopra Jonas
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I Am A Creator

We believe that every story deserves to be told. Everyone is a creator regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or ableism. Stay tuned to learn more about our upcoming initiative that breaks down barriers and aims to create a more equitable industry.
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